Online Chinese Word Games and Reading Challenges

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Chinese Quizlet Word Challenge 

Building Chinese vocabulary is very helpful for improving Chinese proficiency, and it can be fun too! Students are encouraged to join this fun Word Challenge by playing Quizlet games with leveled vocabulary sets. Use “Match” or “Test” functions to play and learn. If you get 80% and above accuracy in a set when doing the “Test” game, you can screenshot your result page, and bring them to your Chinese teacher of next school year. There will be a surprise prize for you!  

Level 1

Level 5

Level 9

Level 2

Level 6

Level 10

Level 3

Level 7

Level 11

Level 4

Level 8

Level 12

logo of Level Chinese

Level Chinese Readers 

Level Chinese provides reading literacy assessments and level readers to help Chinese learners develop their literacy skills. Students are encouraged to use the audio books, ranging from Level A to X, in the “Learning Center”. They can choose the appropriate level and select the readers they are interested in. They can also work on the questions at the end of the readers in “Quiz” as a way to check their understanding. Enjoy!  

Please use the student’s ISB email and the password 888888 to log in the website: to use the audio books in “Learning Center”. 

For more details of how to log in, and how to use the readers, please read this bilingual instruction guide with FAQ  

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WaWaYaYa JoyReader app has a complete suite collection of over 700 quality ebooks, which has innovative functions such as: text to speech, e-dictionary, character stroke sequence and bilingual translation. Equipped with these interactive features, children can now read Chinese with confidence and ease. Please click the following link to learn more about WaWaYaYa. 

Functions & Features 


picture of Chinese panda book awards shortlist cover 2020-2021

ISB Chinese Panda Book List

The Chinese Panda Reading Initiative promotes in students an enjoyment of and lifelong interest in Chinese language and literature, and encourages young learners to appreciate the stylistic and aesthetic qualities of Chinese texts. The Chinese Panda Reading Committee provides a shortlist of book titles for the community every year. The booklist is to present a wide range of periods, styles and genres. Students are encouraged to read and participate in the voting in March, and the finalists will be announced on World Book and Copyright Day.  

Please follow the link here to access the booklists in the past 6 years. 

Multimedia Resources for Fun & Learning Chinese

Popular Chinese websites/TV programs/Apps for all grades and language levels






Learn Chinese - Chinese Skill 



Hello Chinese 


第二季 Videos and TV Programs for Young Learners

  • 动画片《小猪佩奇 Peppa Pig》1集-236集 
  • 蚂蚁求知 (面向少年、儿童的系列小视频)面向少年、儿童的系列科普小视频。 
  • 懂啦(少儿趣味科普短视频产品,通过寓教于乐的方式,帮助孩子们培养兴趣、理解科学、认知世界。小科普系列,为孩子们提供各种各样的动物冷知识、丰富有趣的生活小常识等。) 
  • 有声绘本 
  • 漫话天下 
  • 鲨鱼公园儿童科普动画 
  • (鲨鱼公园儿童科学动画,把科学划分为机械、力学、化学、植物、人体、动物、物质、地理等十二个专业,用动画的方式带给小朋友们一次全新的科学学科的学习体验) 
  • 中国汉字听写大会(第一季第二季第三季

Videos and TV Programs for Mature Learners

YouTube Videos :(vpn needed) 

Resources for students learning Chinese as an additional language: 


The Most Popular Beijing
Cultural Excursions

Learn about and get excited to explore these historic and beautiful attractions in Beijing.

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The Old Summer Palace(Yuan Ming Yuan)  
Visit a vast royal palatial garden established and operated for over 150 years by emperors in Qing Dynasty. 

中文 | English

The Summer Palace (Yi He Yuan)
Visit the imperial garden that epitomizes the philosophy and practice of Chinese garden design - incorporating the works of humankind and nature in a harmonious whole.  

中文 | English

 Temple of Heaven 
Check out a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design, a place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties worshiped the god of heaven and prayed for good harvests.  

learn more

The Lama Temple 
Visit the largest and most perfectly preserved lamasery in present day China. It was also the residence of Emperor Yongzheng when he was just a prince. Simply take subway line 2 or line 5 and get off at Yonghegong station.  

Mutianyu Great Wall 
Aim higher and challenge yourself to a tougher climb at the most well-kept portion of the Great Wall which dates back to the Ming Dynasty.

中文 | English



Lakeside Great Wall (Huanghuacheng Great Wall)
Hike the only lakeside Great Wall in Beijing or take a boat to appreciate the Great Wall from a different angle.

learn more 


Beijing Wtown (Gubei Water Town) 
Experience the unique local culture at the foot of the Simatai Great Wall.

learn more

Houhai Area and Nanluoguxiang
See the traditional courtyard style houses and experience the Hutong culture. You can get there by subway line 8 (Shichahai or Nanluoguxiang stop) and line 6 (Beihai North or Nanluoguxiang stop). 

National Museum of China
See the traditional courtyard style houses and experience the Hutong culture. You can get there by subway line 8 (Shichahai or Nanluoguxiang stop) and line 6 (Beihai North or Nanluoguxiang stop).

Capital Museum
Learn about the history and culture of Beijing, a city that has been the Chinese capital for 800 years.

中文 | English 

National Art Museum of China
Explore more than 1.4 million objects as the embodiment and witness of China’s 5,000-year brilliant civilization.

中文 | English 

China Red Sandalwood Museum 
Visit China’s first and largest private museum specialized in research and collection of red sandalwood sculptures and classic furniture.

中文 | English

Red Brick Art Museum

Enjoy an art tour in a museum employing red bricks as a basic architectural material. The Chinese garden will be a wonderful complement to your visit.

中文 | English 


Today Art Museum
Enjoy Chinese contemporary art and discover young talented artists in China’s first non-for-profit, non-governmental art museum.

中文 | English

Heping Guoju 
Experience life in the Hutongs in old Beijing. 


Address: Level B2, Wangfujing Depaprtment Store, #255 Wangfujing Street (810m from exit A, Wangfujing Stop, Subway Line 1) 
